LHPOA Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Lake Hortonia Property Owners Association will be held at 1:00pm on Sunday 9/1 at Camp Wachusett.

The meeting will be preceded by a picnic from 12-1. Cost is $10 per person (no charge for children under 10).

Please RSVP to Dave Weaver (weaver92@myottmail.com) by Monday 8/26 if you would like to attend the picnic and include the # of people attending with you.

We will also have a Silent Auction at the meeting. Members can donate clean/usable items for auction. Contact Janet Weaver (weaver92@myottmail.com) for more info.

The following LHPOA Board positions are up for election at the Annual Meeting: Vice President, Secretary, 3 Trustees. Terms are two years.

The LHPOA Board will meet on Saturday 8/31 at 10am at First National Bank Orwell. RSVP to Mary Crimp-Batzinger (tbatzinger@nycap.rr.com) if you plan to attend.

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